The Word 8
The Word 8 (Disk 1 of 2).adf
Text File
160 lines
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The final of the 'three Doom clones' is at last released, maybe not to
the public yet. hehe. But hey, is it the best or just a feathered bird
Lets jump in: title screen projects a beefy piccy and a rather nice
lookin' alien. OOh scary! But what's this? = shit menu that looks
like it's been ripped from some sort of PD release (not that there's
anything wrong with PD ;*)
The selection of options is a little confusing and it all looks so
messy. Better jist hit on the PLAY THE GAME choice and hope for the
A nice little bit of text flaps itself across the screen to reveal part
of the story line and set the scene, you know like all the Alien Breed
games before it. Just this time there's no nice background picture,
just a nice bit of 'blackness' as it were.
But we're not playing all this let me see now...the game. It bumps up
onto the screen and looks slightly 'chunky' and a little messy with the
colours. From what I can see there's NO choice of screen size nor
resolution so you're stuck with a small cardboard box in the middle of
the screen even if you own the beefiest of the beefy Amiga's. Shame
really as I reckon the graphics would look alot tidier if the screen was
bigger. Anyhow just giving the mouse a little touch they seem to update
fast and move okay so nothing too bad.
Like Gloom you have a choice of controls, cursor keys, mouse or joystick
(along with various keyboard stuff for all control options). Functions
such as duck and sidestep have to be done via keyboard although
(hopefully) the CD³² version will offer more with the multi-button
The plucky young bloke bobs up 'n' down rather alot and it seems to be a
little over done or else this geezer walks in one hell of a queer way!!
Anyhow he zips around fine. Using the mouse is annoying because you
have to keep rolling it up the mouse mat then lifting it up and moving
it down and repeating this to walk forward which is, honestly, crap. Of
'pants' if you like that word.
The text at the start of every part of the map sets the scene and tells
you where you are. The game takes place in a building complex and your
mission is to find a way in and do something. Even the bloke doesn't
know what he's gonna do. Dumb ass. Anyway you ramble through service
bays, store rooms and down in the sewers (which is as far as I've got at
the mo) looking for wee beasties to blow. The maps are excellent and
you have stairs and stuff to run up and down giving you alot more height
and also the chance to blow the aliens away from above or below them
BEFORE they see you.
Some levels have sections that are just - dark. A good way to get away
with no graphics? Well they are pretty spooky when you can hear the
alien dogs howling and heavy breathing in the distance! Excellent.
Sadly there's no way of designing your own levels but hopefully there
will be add-ons or even an editor released in the future.
Unlike other Team-17 games I feel that the graphics are a little
'lacking' in that magic touch. They seem a little cack. The aliens
look impressive but with the small screen they appear to be all poo.
Poo in my pants. The textures on walls and ceilings and floors and
doors and and and are nice. There's plenty of them and a good variety
on each level so they don't all look the same.
A nice little touch is as the textures change on the ground so does the
sound when you walk. As you plonk your way onto metal walk ways and
such there's a solid clank whilst on the stone you get the eerie foot
step type noise. Lots of different floor types and nice effects too!
As you creep around the different graphic areas the sounds are adjusted
to match so they're always a changin'.
Yes Alien Breed 3D installs to hard drive although the installer I used
sucked big time. It required the disk to be in DF0: and for some
reason only installed one of the disks! I had to manually install the
rest of the game using DOPUS until it would work which is pretty lame.
Suprising really thaat the game only requires 2 disks but yet looks so
good. But then all the Doom clones so far have been living on 2 disks.
HD space is nice and small and there's not that many files for the game.
The game features a two player link-up via the serial port although this
feature didn't seem to have been implemented in the version I used??
Anyway I don't have two A1200 to test it on but I guess it would be
wicked fun!
The game screen, as mentioned earlier, can't be adjusted in size,
however you may remove or change the textures on the floor and ceiling
to give the game that little extra umpf! However I thought it chugged
along at a perfect speed anyway.
To be honest not alot in the way of music. No title tune - just
silence. But when I got into the game the sound effects where amazingly
well done and very spooky in certain parts of the levels. The howling,
breathing, crunching - yum, yum. However when you die (you get just one
life!) there's a really tacky 80's sounding jingle sample which plays
and spoils it.
Talkin' about 'spoils' when your hit by an alien the top of the screen
flashes a nasty red copper which goes all the way across (not just in
the game screen) and looks a bloody mess and not very tidy at all.
Shame boy. Down boy.
Okay here goes:
WANKABILITY 70% (for Welsh peeps & sheep)